When you first start your pole journey, it's exciting and thrilling, but it can also be a little overwhelming... There's so much to learn! When should I order my first pair of Pleasers? Why are my hands so slippery? Why am I so completely crazy about my new pole dance obsession??? How long will it take for me to transform into one of the graceful, strong, elegant and stunning pole dancers I see in the higher levels???
Click here to see our special offer for PDA students :-)

I want to be a better pole dancer... NOW!!!
As a beginner or intermediate level pole dancer, it's easy to look at your instructors or the higher level students and sigh dramatically, thinking "I'll never be as strong/flexible/graceful as they are!" But the truth is, there's no secret to pole progress. It's just a matter of commitment and dedication to your new passion.
As with anything, if you want to get better at pole faster, and really see amazing results in terms of your physical and mental transformation, you need to spend more time doing it, under the watchful and trained eye of your trusty PDA instructor. You could try adding another levelled class for extra training and repetition of the syllabus, or a stretch class to work on your flexibility, conditioning for your strength, or a pole choreo class to improve your flow and dance skills.
One class a week is a hobby, 2 or more classes a week is where the magic lies in terms of really honing your skills and taking your pole training seriously, so as to see real breakthroughs and improvement.

Should I go to the gym to get better at pole?
So many times we hear people say, oh I need to go to the gym to get stronger for pole. This is simply not the case. You get stronger for pole by doing pole! Our programs are specifically designed for students to build upon the skills they learn in class progressively and safely.
I remember when I was a beginner pole dancer. I was completely obsessed from my first class. But as silly as it sounds, it never occurred to me that I would get stronger and better if I enrolled in more than one class a week. But when I did, I was astounded at how much faster I progressed.
But don't just take our word for it! Read what PDA students have to say...

Betty: "I’m always an advocate for a level class and a choreo! I came to pole with no dance background so found choreo classes helped me find my groove, they also improved my stamina and strength for tricks. And it makes learning the level routine easier because if you don’t have to think about the choreo as much you can focus on the tricks!"
Lala: "When I came to Australia in 2018, I struggled to find an artistic/dancing space that would make me feel so much joy or that would motivate me to train harder and challenge myself... until the end of last year when I started pole dance at PDA and I was hooked from the first minute. I did the beginners term going only once a week, but I knew that it wasn't enough to see the progress I wanted to see. So when I started Inter, I decided to take 2x clases per week (Inter), and added 1x Splits classes to start working on my flexibility. It was so painful at the beginning, my body was sore after each training and full of bruises . I even struggled to do a spinning climb at the end of the class because I was so tired! But after a couple of weeks, I started to feel stronger and it was pretty obvious that I was building up stamina. It was then when I decided to add practice time on the weekends. I finished the term very proud of my progress, but I still had to improve my inversions so I'm currently doing 1x Inter class, 1x spins and tricks class, and 1x practice time per week to make sure I keep building up strength, while at the same time I've incorporated 1x intro to choreo class to start putting together those tricks in a choreo and learning more floor work and dancing moves. These nineteen weeks in my pole journey have been amazing. I've found my way again to train while doing something I really enjoy, and always feeling safe and encouraged by all the trainers at PDA. And now I can invert on BOTH sides!"
Jinx: "As a lazy pole dancer, I found that doing more than one of the same level class really helped because I didn’t used to go to practice time…. I feel like when you do 2 of the same class, the tricks you learn during those classes really stick with you … and it’s not just about being able to do it then forget about it - but it gives you time to train and do it well…. Doing 2 classes meant there was a committed and regimented way for me to “practice”…"
Lucy: "I think 2 classes a week is the difference between pole dancing being “a bit of fun” vs being a skilled sport that you see progress and achievements. It might seem like you’re doing the exact same class twice a week but when you’re getting stronger and developing quicker you see your progress of a move go from 8 weeks of perfection to 4 weeks and then by 8 weeks you’ve learnt an extension of that move or another one. I also think beginners should do intro to choreo classes for the girls who needs confidence with movement in general. Really helped me so much and I wish I started sooner."
Sian: "To begin with, intro to choreo classes gave me more confidence within my own body and with movement, and they still do as I become less stiff and robotic and begin to find myself focusing more on technique and finding my flow. On the neurological side though, intro to choreo helped soooo much as well with working memory which flows into my levelled classes. I find I can concentrate more on tricks and technique instead of trying to remember the choreo. Now that I committed to 2 levelled classes and choreo it definitely feels like more of a sporting commitment"
Julia: "I started doing 2+ classes a week when I moved up to intermediate and I made a huge progress in a very short time. I got way more ambitious and couldn’t get enough. I booked practice classes, choreo classes and my normal intermediate classes and got stronger, more flexible and way more confident which made everything even more fun. Comparing videos was very helpful to see improvements which was motivating. Practice time was very good to work on the little details. I can highly recommend doing 2 classes a week. I also find it helpful to get to know different instructors as everyone has different ways of explaining things which could be helpful sometimes. I did 4 weeks of intermediate (2 classes a week + choreo classes and practice time) and then moved to Melbourne and could start in high inter straightaway."
Special offer!
Would you like to try adding a class to your weekly pole schedule to see your improvement? Take the 4 Extra Classes in 4 Weeks challenge and add a class to your weekly pole schedule for the next 28 days! You'll be amazed at the improvement you'll see! If you love the improvement you notice, email us at info@poledanceacademy.com.au to upgrade your membership :-).
*This offer is only available to enrolled PDA students and only for Term 2 2023.
